Friday, March 11, 2011

Old lady or 5 year old?

So perhaps I'm not very good at this blogging business since it's been a few months now...oooops! So in the last few months I have bought a new car, kept my job, kept my marriage, lost my voice, lost three pounds, gained three pounds, then lost three pounds again. There are probably a lot more details there but those were the ones that stuck out in my head. Oh and I turned 27! I almost forgot about that one. I feel partly like an old lady though and partly like a 5 year old. I feel like an old lady because I recently rediscovered that I love scrabble and am hooked to it like a crackhead on crack and also a five year old because I insisted on having pretty balloons at my birthday party. And cake. With my name on it. :) So overall, I actually had 3 birthday cakes, cookies, reeses, cupcakes, and more food than we knew what to do with. Maybe now you understand the losing, gaining, losing reference I made earlier. I had some great friends over though, including my bff from out of town and some other good friends over and we shook our bon bons to Just Dance 2 on the wii. There goes my 5 year old self again. It is now 9:40PM and I feel like I should have already been in bed (there's my old lady self.) They are constantly fighting! If only there were some type of disorder I could label myself with and then tell my doctor I need to see another doctor to tell that doctor that I need some medication! Oh wait, I could but then I would be losing my mind like everyone else so I think I'll pass and embrace my dual personalities. ;)

This coming from a psych embarrassing...