Thursday, December 9, 2010

Getting to the crazy part

Anyone ever went to their babysitters house who your mom went to church with and have them iron the boobs off of your generic barbie doll? Well, I have. Let me tell you it is quite the interesting experience. I know many people have had worse off childhoods and I'm not saying mine was bad, if anything it makes for some great, crazy stories now. So yes there I was, I don't remember how young I was but probably under 10. I got this new generic barbie doll (parents wouldn't spend real barbie money-bless their frugal ways) and of course the doll had the "barbie-like boobs" and the babysitter thought that was inappropriate for a little girl to have. Why? You tell me... Maybe I would grow up to be a lesbian? (That didn't happen) Maybe I would grow up to really want big boobs? (I think most girls do) Maybe I would show my toy doll boobs to my brothers? (They weren't interested in doll boobs) Maybe I would fondle the doll? (This is about the craziest reason I could think of and NO it didn't happen!) So yes, every time we are shopping in Target or Walmart or any other place that sells dolls I cannot help but to think of this experience I had. This lady took my doll into her room, ironed down the boobs so the poor thing was as flat chested as I was at that point, then she took some masking tape and put tape around them. Is this how women-to-man transsexuals feel after they have the surgery? Just wonderin...
I'd say I turned out fairly OK! :)

Disclaimer here: I have no problem with transsexuals and feel people should do whatever makes them happy! ;)

Maybe they were afraid of this happening:

If nothing else, I make myself laugh ;)